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Experience Management Boot Camp

Learn and Apply Essential XM Principles to Help Your Business Thrive

The UWEBC, in collaboration with Qualtrics XM Institute, is proud to bring this Boot Camp in the Discipline of Experience Management exclusively to the UWEBC network.

UWEBC membership was not required to participate in this Boot Camp.

Customer Experience (CX) has risen to be a top focus for all organizations, blending Customer Service and Marketing as customer journeys now blend the physical with the digital. The more we learn about how our customers’ perceptions of their experiences with our brands are formed, the more we realize how important and intertwined their experiences with our teams, products and communication channels are. In that context, Gartner research has found the brands that are most successful in this area have adopted a “total experience strategy to elevate the connection between customers and employees by reimagining each experience, tying them together, and closing the gaps…” Organizations will increasingly need new leaders that can see this ecosystem and break through the silos to create the experiences they want to be known for.

Experience Management (XM) is a discipline that encompasses customer, employee, product, and brand experiences. This Boot Camp teaches the fundamental competencies required to build and mature your XM, CX, and EX programs. In doing so, it will provide an unparalleled opportunity to look at your business through a new lens, giving you the language and tools to raise the bar on experiences with your brand.

Following two, full-day in-person classroom sessions, instructed by expert Greg Chase of the Qualtrics XM Institute, attendees had the opportunity to fortify their learning by participating in three virtual collaborative learning sessions with classmates, facilitated by UWEBC Customer Service Practice Director Matthew Cone, to share and discuss experiences around applying the methods, processes, and tools learned in the class.

To learn more, contact Matthew Cone at 608-263-0635 or matthew.cone@uwebc.wisc.edu.


Two full-day, in-person sessions, on the UW-Madison campus:

Also includes three virtual follow-up sessions to share and discuss experiences around applying class concepts with classmates, facilitated by UWEBC Customer Service Practice Director Matthew Cone. Dates to be determined.

This Boot Camp has concluded.

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Days One and Two

Full day, in-person classroom sessions include the following topics:

  • Experience Management Foundations
  • Understanding Human Behavior
  • How Humans Make Decisions
  • Introduction to Experience Management
  • The Value of Experience Management
  • The Six Laws of Experience Management
  • The XM Operating Framework
    • Competencies
    • Culture
    • Technology

Participants were also given the opportunity to test for the XM Fundamentals Certification through the XM Institute.

Following the Classroom Sessions

Leverage your cohort of peers to hear different approaches to implementing provided tools to better understand the positive impact you can make on your business through the discipline of XM.

Benefits and Outcomes

  • Learn concepts, methods and tools for developing and maturing an XM strategy – encompassing customer and employee experience.
  • Become part of an engaged learning community of fellow XM practitioners you can tap into along the journey to incorporate the discipline of XM into your organization.
  • Discover other XM resources available from Qualtrics XM Institute and the UWEBC.
  • Be prepared to test for XM Fundamentals Certification from XM Institute should you wish to do so.

Learn from the best in the field


qualtrics xm institute logo

The UWEBC partnered with Qualtrics XM Institute, the foremost thought leader on XM, to bring this important discipline exclusively to the UWEBC network.

Qualtrics XM Institute’s mission is to create a thriving global community of XM Professionals who are empowered and inspired to improve human experiences. They are a powerful unit that operates within Qualtrics to help organizations design, deliver, and mature their XM programs.

“My vision for the XM Institute was based on one core belief – experience matters! Our team of experts is here for your organization, and we’re not stopping – we’re shaping the future of XM.” – Bruce Temkin, Head of the XM Institute

Who should attend?

This Boot Camp is ideal for current leaders (at any level) and employees marked for future leadership roles – particularly those involved in Voice of Customer or Employee processes and/or Customer Experience or Customer Journey design.

Questions about this Boot Camp?

Matthew Cone

Position title: Customer Service Practice Director

Email: matthew.cone@uwebc.wisc.edu

Phone: 608-263-0635