AI Governance: Establishing Internal Frameworks for Ethical and Compliant AI Use

Engage in an interactive experience led by Gokula Mishra, former Head of Data Analytics and Supply Chain for McDonald's, as he shares insights and leads a community conversation on establishing effective AI governance frameworks within organizations, focusing on ethical deployment and regulatory compliance.

- 12:00 PM

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Join us for an insightful session, "AI Governance: Establishing Internal Frameworks for Ethical and Compliant AI Use," where we unravel the complexities of governing AI within organizations. Participants will explore best practices for creating robust internal frameworks that ensure ethical AI deployment and adherence to regulatory standards. The session will cover key topics such as defining governance policies, risk management, transparency, and accountability in AI systems.

Learning objectives include understanding the importance of AI governance, identifying components of an effective governance framework, and implementing strategies to mitigate risks and enhance ethical compliance in AI operations.

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Additional Information

Location: Zoom
Contact: Events Team,