Cybersecurity: A US Department of Defense Perspective for US Industries

Gain a US National Security and Department of Defense view of cybersecurity and how it applies to US industry today and in the future. Materials from speaker David Bringle are available only upon request. Send an email to if you would like to request these materials.

- 1:00 PM

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  • 1. UWEBC Presentation Slides: Opening Remarks thumbnail
  • 2. UWEBC Presentation: Welcome and Opening Remarks thumbnail
  • 3. UWEBC Presentation: Closing Remarks and Wrap-Up thumbnail


Join us for a lively and informative talk with cybersecurity expert, David Bringle, Founder and President of Whistle Lake Consulting, to get a US National Security and Department of Defense view of cybersecurity and how it applies to US industry today and in the future.

David Bringle has spent the past two decades helping government and private sector clients on a range of issues primarily focused on the intersection of technology and national security. He is a technical adviser at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and has been at the intersection of cybersecurity, big data, data science, and machine learning, all in support of enhancing how humans interact with data.

He is the Founder and President of Whistle Lake Consulting, a technology and security consulting firm. Previously he founded and then sold the darkweb security company, Data Futurum and before that held several positions within the US Government.

He is a former Naval Flight Officer who flew aircraft carrier—based combat missions and was deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Horn of Africa. He holds a Master’s Degree from Georgetown University and a Bachelor of Science from the United States Naval Academy.

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Agenda Items

12:00 PM Opening Remarks
12:05 PM Cybersecurity: A US Department of Defense Perspective for US Industries
  David Bringle, Founder & President at Whistle Lake Consulting

12:55 PM Closing Remarks & Wrap-Up
1:00 PM Adjourn

Additional Information

Location: EventsAir
Contact: Events Team,