Large Language Models: ChatGPT in Customer Care

Participate in a discussion-driven breakdown of one of the most hyped new technologies, to determine if this is something that could benefit your contact center and what steps you can take to get closer to that future you imagine.

- 11:00 AM

Event Assets

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  • 1. Full event recording: Large Language Models: ChatGPT in Customer Care thumbnail
  • 2. UWEBC Presentation Slides: Large Language Models: ChatGPT in Customer Care thumbnail


LLMs, or Language Models, like ChatGPT, are like magical writing assistants that can help you generate human-like text with ease. In Customer Experience, LLMs can be leveraged to automate customer support, generate personalized recommendations, and improve chatbot interactions. By automating customer support, businesses can provide faster response times and reduce the workload on human agents. Personalized recommendations can enhance the shopping experience by suggesting products or services tailored to each customer’s preferences. Additionally, LLMs can improve chatbot interactions by generating more natural and engaging responses, making the conversation feel more human-like and less robotic. Before activating LLM use in your organization, it is important to consider factors such as data privacy, ethical implications, and the need for human oversight to ensure the quality and fairness of the generated content.

How could this tool help my organization? How do they integrate with tools I'm currently using? What do I need, to prepare my organization to successfully leverage these tools? What are some of the concerns about these tools? We'll discuss all of these and many more facets of this horizonal topic.

Come join us to hear and learn from the experiences of others, and share the experiences and thoughts you have on the topic. Starting with an aligned vision of what Large Language Models are and some common values therein, we will then use a combination of small group discussion and large group idea sharing to create actionable steps we can take back to our own organizations to get one step closer to our unique goals.

Who Should Attend?: Participation in this Special Interest Group is encouraged for any contact center practitioners within our member organizations who are comfortable wading through the ambiguity of what could be to have the best chance of being prepared for it. All participants are required to register. To learn more about this SIG please contact Matthew Cone.

Agenda Items

9:00 AM Intro and Purpose
9:05 AM Meet your Fellow Futurists!
9:20 AM Defining the Topic
9:40 AM Discussion Progression - LLMs in Customer Care
10:20 AM Bringing our Ideas Together
10:40 AM Let's Take Action!
10:55 AM What's Next
11:00 AM Adjourn

Additional Information

Location: Zoom
Contact: Events Team,