Search Powered by Data Science

Explore the transformative power of data science and artificial intelligence in shaping the future of search.

- 12:00 PM

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Search is at the core of how we navigate and interpret vast amounts of information in the digital age. This AI Special Interest Group session will examine the intersection of data science and search technology, focusing on innovations that enable smarter, faster, and more user-centric search systems. The session will also highlight how organizations with distributed data can leverage AI-driven search techniques to break down silos, enabling seamless access to information across departments and systems. With case studies and interactive discussions, attendees will gain actionable insights into implementing advanced search capabilities that drive collaboration and efficiency.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how machine learning can enhance search relevance, accuracy, and performance across distributed data environments.
  • Learn to apply predictive analytics and data-driven methodologies to refine search outcomes and improve organizational collaboration.
  • Explore real-world applications of AI-powered search to break down organizational silos and enable seamless access to data and insights.

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Agenda Items

10:00 AM Welcome & Opening Remarks
10:20 AM UW Data Science Institute - Using Data Science to Power Search
  Jason Lo

10:50 AM Member Spotlight
11:20 AM Breakout Discussions
11:50 AM Wrap Up & Closing Remarks
12:00 PM Adjourn

Additional Information

Location: Zoom
Contact: Events Team,