Employee Experience: The Edge to Creating Enriching Customer Experiences

Join us to discover actionable strategies for transforming your workplace culture and driving exceptional customer satisfaction.

- 2:00 PM

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Defining the Connection Between Employee and Customer Experience

In today’s competitive business landscape, the importance of employee experience cannot be overstated. “Employee Experience: The Edge to Creating Enriching Customer Experiences” is a peer learning event designed to explore the vital connection between how organizations treat their employees and the resulting impact on customer satisfaction. This event will deep dive into how fostering a positive and engaging workplace environment can lead to heightened employee morale, productivity, and, ultimately, exceptional customer experiences. Attendees will gain insights into the best practices and innovative strategies that successful companies employ to create a thriving employee culture that directly translates to customer loyalty and business growth.

Navigating the Challenges of Employee Experience Strategies

Implementing a strong employee experience strategy is not without its challenges. Companies often struggle with issues such as maintaining consistent engagement, managing diverse workforce needs, and aligning employee goals with organizational objectives. Additionally, in an era where remote and hybrid work models are becoming the norm, ensuring a cohesive and inclusive company culture has become more complex. This event will address these hurdles, providing a platform for leaders to discuss their experiences, share lessons learned, and explore solutions to common challenges. By understanding these obstacles, participants can better prepare to create environments where employees feel valued and motivated to deliver their best work.

Collaborative Learning for Transformative Workplace Culture

Our approach to learning and sharing as a community will be our supreme advantage. Through collaborative breakout sessions, an expert presentation, peer networking opportunities, and member stories that encapsulate the amazing work being done in our community, we will uncover the key elements needed to enhance both employee and customer experiences. Participants will leave with actionable insights and practical tools to implement within their organizations. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and support, we aim to empower business leaders to cultivate workplaces that not only drive employee satisfaction but also lead to outstanding customer service. Join us in this journey to discover how an investment in your employees can be a game-changer for your customer experience strategy.

We are thrilled to welcome Mary Poppen, a renowned expert in customer and employee experience, will join our event. With her extensive background in developing and executing successful experience strategies, Mary brings invaluable insights into how businesses can create a positive and productive workplace culture that leads to exceptional customer satisfaction. Her expertise and practical advice will be instrumental in helping attendees understand and implement effective employee experience initiatives.

Participate in Customizing the Agenda: You’ll have the opportunity to play an active part in shaping the agenda for this session – and to maximize its relevance for you – by suggesting and selecting topics for break-out discussions. Once the agenda is complete, you choose the discussions you want to join. This will be a highly interactive session so come prepared to share your questions, challenges and insights!

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Additional Information

Location: UW-Madison Pyle Center (In-person); EventsAir (Virtual)
Location Address: 702 Langdon Street, Madison, WI 53706
Contact: Events Team, events@uwebc.wisc.edu