Executive Roundtable on Current and Emerging HR Issues

Share and discuss pressing issues and hot topics with fellow HR leaders and take away actionable ideas.

- 1:00 PM

Event Assets

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  • UWEBC Presentation Slides: Executive Roundtable on Current and Emerging HR Issues thumbnail
  • PDF default thumbnail


The health and safety of our members is the UWEBC’s top priority. UW–Madison is monitoring the COVID-19 situation in collaboration with local, state and federal agencies. Based on campus' guidance, this meeting will be held via web only to allow our members a convenient and safe way to attend.

This Executive Roundtable will serve as a virtual huddle for HR leaders from UWEBC member companies to have candid discussions about current and emerging HR issues and challenges. Participants can gain valuable insights and actionable ideas based on the experiences and approaches of other HR leaders.

This will be a highly interactive event and Dr. Raj Veeramani, UWEBC's Executive Director, will facilitate the discussions. Topics for discussion will be solicited in advance of the meeting as part of the registration process. Participants will also have the opportunity to pose other topics and questions during the event.

Please join us for this virtual huddle. Your perspective and experience would be very much valued by the group.

To ensure true peer-to-peer interaction, we limit the invitations to HR executives only. Therefore, we ask that you please do not forward this invitation to others.

Additional Information

Location: Zoom
Contact: Events Team, events@uwebc.wisc.edu