Data Storytelling for Business Understanding and Progress: Visualization, Dashboarding, and Beyond

Data can be gathered and shared from virtually any source, but mastering the art of interpreting, communicating, and leveraging this information is essential for fostering business growth, understanding, and advancement. At our recent Data & Analytics Interest Group event on July 25th, we delved into techniques for creating compelling data presentations. The focus was on transforming raw data into powerful narratives that maximize impact and effectively engage audiences.

Jack Beckwith, the founder and Creative Director of DataFace, shared his insights on how DataFace operates at the intersection of data science, journalism, and information design. Jack detailed his team’s unique approach to data sharing, which involves exploring various media outlets, design aggregators like Pinterest, and data visualization blogs. He also emphasized the importance of being mindful of the impact data can have on groups or individuals and the need to consider the risks and rewards that data can bring to a business.

During the member spotlight, individuals from UW Health, Rockwell Automation, and Brunswick shared valuable insights. Stacy Rasmussen, Director of Business Relationship Management (BRM) at UW Health, discussed how BRM is both an art and a science, much like storytelling. She highlighted how BRM focuses on strengthening partnerships with operational leaders, acting as a bridge between business and Information Services. With the end goal in mind, they work backward to craft the desired outcomes and visuals. They aim to standardize approaches and deliver consistent experiences across the organization by leveraging well-researched and reliable data. Rockwell Automation provided us with an overview of their ongoing project, detailing their innovative approach to data categorization and display for optimized sharing. Additionally, Brunswick introduced their SQDP Framework, a comprehensive model focusing on Safety/Engagement, Quality, Delivery, and Productivity/Cost.

Finally, our attendees had the opportunity to discuss and elaborate on the knowledge shared during guided breakout discussions. A heartfelt thank you to all the presenters and attendees who made this event a resounding success! For those who couldn’t join us, or who want to revisit these incredible presentations, members can access the event recording on UWEBC+.