Learn from CCMC how to meet your unique strategic objectives with carefully designed customer experience surveys to monitor the overall customer experience or specific “moments of truth.”
This three-hour workshop, held on September 30, 2024, from 1:00–4:00pm, is perfect for your entire team to learn how to design effective customer experience questionnaires and align surveys with the customer journey to gather actionable data and improve response rates.
This Mini Boot Camp will be held in person only at the Monona Terrace, 1 John Nolen Dr, Madison, WI. Attend as a team and get a discount! Learn more about the group discount.
This Mini Boot Camp is being offered as part of a series on Monday, September 30, 2024, the day before our 26th Annual Conference.
What's this all about?
Every organization fields various customer surveys today, and customer mailboxes are overloaded with near-daily survey invitations. Yet, the collective marketplace has become increasingly disappointed with the value of these surveys. On the company side, a recent McKinsey study of 260 executives revealed that only 15% of the C-suite is fully satisfied with their customer experience survey program. At the same time, response rates continue to slip because the survey experience is mediocre, and, more importantly, companies fail to act on survey insights.
In short, many companies achieve a poor return on their customer survey investments because they field poorly designed questionnaires and because their broader approach to building a survey “ecosystem” is disjointed, siloed, and more company-centric than customer-centric.
This three-hour session will feature best practice survey design methodologies honed over the past 50 years for hundreds of companies from virtually every industry worldwide. Emphasis will be given to the practical matters of questionnaire design and survey fielding techniques that can be used for both relationship and transactional surveys. This session will also address important strategic considerations for building a more unified, holistic survey approach that relies on collaboration across the organization.
Learning Outcomes
- Practical tips and guidelines for designing customer experience questionnaires that yield valid, reliable, and actionable data for identifying NPS/satisfaction drivers and building a customer experience business case (e.g., writing questionnaire items, scaling, use of closed-ended vs. open-ended items, how to properly sequence questionnaire items, using invitations and reminders to promote better response rates).
- An understanding of the best practices for collaborating across functions when designing customer experience questionnaires.
- A best practice framework for establishing a holistic voice of the customer survey ecosystem, including relationship, transactional, and pulse surveys.
- A practical methodology for aligning and mapping a customer survey ecosystem to the end-to-end customer journey.
Who Should Attend?
This mini boot camp is intended for both CX leaders (e.g., Chief Customer Officers, CX Directors, and Customer Service Directors) who have responsibility for building a holistic voice of the customer survey approach, as well as CX practitioners who create, administer, and manage customer experience surveys.
About Scott Broetzmann
Scott Broetzmann is the President, CEO, and Co-Founder of CCMC.
Scott’s creed for creating an extraordinary customer experience is simple: invest in those actions that lie at the intersection of increased customer loyalty and a favorable return on investment.
Over the past 35 years, Scott has empowered marketplace leaders from all industries to deliver a more profitable customer experience by helping them leverage good science.
As he sees it, good science isn’t about just keeping score or chasing a number. Good science consists of using the voice of the customer to compel those actions that yield the best ROI for improving the customer experience.
This Mini Boot Camp is being offered as a standalone event or as an add-on to our UWEBC Annual Conference.
Register for this Mini Boot Camp on its own
Register for this Mini Boot Camp AND the Annual Conference
Activate as a team and save!
Companies sending three or more people to a Mini Boot Camp can receive a group discount of $100 per person.
Fill out this form to receive your discount code!