UWEBC Featured Member: John Zaganczyk from WEC Energy Group

This month we are delighted to feature John Zaganczyk, Senior Vice President of Customer Service at WEC Energy Group. John has a deep-rooted connection with the UWEBC, being actively involved with it for almost 25 years. He has been in a leadership role with UWEBC for nearly a decade, acting as the executive sponsor of the membership for his company as well as being an active member of the advisory board. John is proud of his involvement over the years including the time spent as an ongoing participant in the customer service track.

John strongly believes in championing the cause of UWEBC. He believes in the value the organization provides its members and emphasizes personal growth through leadership development. He expressed his appreciation for UWEBC by highlighting the value it brings to his current position within his company. What particularly resonates with him is the invaluable network of member companies, a distinguished list that prominently features many Fortune 500 companies. John emphasized the unique nature of these connections, pointing out that it’s not just about geographical convenience but the depth of engagement with leaders at the forefront of various industry tracks. Whether navigating the intricacies of customer service, delving into the nuances of marketing strategy, addressing IT challenges, or exploring the dynamics of human resources, UWEBC acts as a nexus for fostering meaningful connections.

While John has attended many events and conferences with the UWEBC over the years, his favorite event undoubtedly is the Annual Conference. Describing it as a powerful one-day experience, he appreciates the flexibility of the tracks, networking opportunities, and impactful keynote speakers. He stated, “As soon as the conference closes, I’m already marking on my calendar the date for next year.”

John explained that WEC Energy Group is focused on providing affordable, reliable and clean energy to customers. The company is well on its way to achieving some of the most aggressive targets in the energy industry for reducing carbon and methane emissions. An important step is the plan to eliminate coal as a fuel source by the end of 2032. Over the next five years, the company plans to more than quadruple its carbon-free generation — including the addition of regulated solar power, wind and battery storage. By actively participating in UWEBC events and engaging with the network, John can contribute to WEC Energy Group’s growth plans by staying at the forefront of industry developments and building relationships that support the corporation’s transformation to a more sustainable and customer-centric model.

After 40 years at the same corporation, John still has unwavering energy and enthusiasm for the energy business, which speaks volumes about his passion and his ability to navigate challenges with the support of organizations like UWEBC. 

The UWEBC wants to thank John for his wonderful contribution to our community over the years and for being such a big advocate of the work we do! 

Published February 7, 2024
Jenny Zhang, Marketing Student Assistant