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2024 Annual Conference: Agenda

All events on this agenda will be held in person at the Monona Terrace and streamed live to our virtual audience. Instructions on how to access the virtual conference, both for the day of and to view content after the conference date, will be shared with you after registration.

Look for this icon 🤖 to denote this session is part of our Artificial Intelligence Learning Journey.
Look for this icon ⭐ to denote this session is part of our Customer Experience Learning Journey.

All times listed are in Central Time and are subject to change.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Join us on Monday, September 30, from 1:00-4:00pm for an exclusive conference add-on: Mini Boot Camps! Choose one of five incredible options to take a deep dive into a critical business topic. Learn more about our Mini Boot Camps here, and choose your favorite when you register.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Continental breakfast; Networking and
Sponsor Expo Opens

Grand Terrace
Opening Plenary Session

Keynote Presentation: Elliott Parker
Welcoming Remarks: John Stofflet, Master of Ceremonies
Exhibition Hall


Unlock Your SAP, ASAP for Any Front-End System
Lecture Hall

Strategic Briefing led by enosix

enosix logo

So You Bought A Cloud Product, Now What?
Hall of Ideas E

Strategic Briefing led by EDCi

EDCi logo

Strategic Briefing by YASH Technologies
Ballroom C

Strategic Briefing led by YASH Technologies

YASH logo

Transforming Data into Diamonds: Snowflake and the Future of Enterprise AI
Ballroom A

Strategic Briefing led by Snowflake

Snowflake logo

Enable Agile Digital Transformation with a Lift & Shift First Strategy
Ballroom B

Strategic Briefing led by SAP

SAP logo

Customer Service Track 
Lecture Hall

⭐️Customer Experience Learning Journey⭐️

Introducing the Experience Operating System (XOS)
Michael Hinshaw

Human Resources Track 
Hall of Ideas E

🤖Artificial Intelligence Learning Journey🤖

Beyond Automation: The Future of HR in the Age of AI
Dr. Serena Huang
Corporate Trainer and Influencer

Information Technology

Ballroom C

Mastering Transformation: Three Key Strategies for Thriving in Times of Change
Chris Przybysz
Ideal Industries

Marketing Track
Ballroom A

Strategic Excellence in Marketing: Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness
Neil Morgan
Wisconsin School of Business

Supply Chain Track
Ballroom B

Authentic Leadership: Leverage Your Strengths to Bring Out the Best in Your Team
Rebecca Wlazlo
Crate and Barrel

Customer Service

Lecture Hall

Engaging Your Team to Influence Customer-Centric Change
Dr. Vivian Phillips Husband
Blue Shield of California

Human Resources Track 
Hall of Ideas E

Driving Digital HR Innovation: Centralizing Functions for Enhanced Technology Solutions
Bethany Keller
Kohl’s Inc.

Information Technology Track
Ballroom C

🤖Artificial Intelligence Learning Journey🤖

AI – What’s Next? – GenAI and Beyond
John Thompson
Marketing Track 
Ballroom A

⭐️Customer Experience Learning Journey⭐️

A Remarkable Customer Experience Is Your Biggest Competitive Advantage
Dan Gingiss

Supply Chain Track
Ballroom B

Adaptive Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP): Allowing Teams to Win
Carol Ptak
Demand Driven Institute LLC


Luncheon Address by Dr. Christine B. Whelan
Exhibition Hall

Break; Networking; Visit the Sponsor Expo
Grand Terrace


Getting A Better ROI For Customer Experience Surveys – Action Matters The Most!
Lecture Hall

Strategic Briefing led by CCMC

CCMC logo

Don’t Be a Zombie Viewer: Engage Your Audience with Interactive Video
Hall of Ideas E

Strategic Briefing led by Enghouse Video

Enghouse Video logo

AI at Work Now
Ballroom C

Strategic Briefing led by Xorbix Technologies


Setting the Table for your AI Journey
Ballroom A

Strategic Briefing led by Pandata Group

Pandata logo

A Case Study on the impact of Engaging Suppliers in Sustainability
Ballroom B

Strategic Briefing led by WSBC

WSBC logo

Customer Service Track
Lecture Hall

🤖Artificial Intelligence Learning Journey🤖

Practical AI for Customer-Worthy Experiences
Aaron Schroeder
TTEC Digital
Human Resources Track
Hall of Ideas E

Adapt to Thrive: Building Change-Ready Organizations and Leaders
Tessa G. Misiaszek, PhD
Korn Ferry Institute

Information Technology Track
Ballroom C    

Boardroom Briefings: Effective Engagement through Cybersecurity Communications
Gina Yacone

Marketing Track 
Ballroom A

⭐️Customer Experience Learning Journey⭐️

Revolutionizing ROI: Elevating Social Media with Compelling Storytelling and Top of Mind Awareness
Spencer X Smith

Supply Chain

Ballroom B

People: The Most Critical and Volatile Part of Your Supply Chain
Steve Hunt, PhD
Workforce Psychologist & Technologist

Customer Service Track
Lecture Hall

⭐️Customer Experience Learning Journey⭐️

The Future of Customer Experience
Isabelle Zdatny
Qualtrics XM Institute

Human Resources Track
Hall of Ideas E

Future of Talent: Empowering the New Talent Pipeline with GenAI and Apprenticeships
Betsy Clough
UW Health

Information Technology Track 
Ballroom C    

Transforming IT from Back Office to Strategic Partner: A Journey of Innovation and Collaboration
Jody McDonough and Sara Gilbertson Ley, Sub-Zero Group

Marketing Track
Ballroom A

Leveraging Diversity to Drive Market Growth: The Business Case for DEI&B in Marketing
Kelli Williams, Mary Beth George, Anthony Romano, and Marilka Velez, The BrandLab

Supply Chain

Ballroom B

🤖Artificial Intelligence Learning Journey🤖

AI in Supply Chain: Separating Hype from Reality
Polly Mitchell-Guthrie
Closing Session

Keynote Presentation: Julia Hobsbawm
Exhibition Hall


Bucky’s Gallery Walk: Join Bucky on a walk through the gallery of the “graphic recordings” of the conference, done by artist Lin Wilson (learn more). Enjoy live music, networking, and selfies with the artwork and with Bucky on your way out.